Module lief::objc

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Module for Objective-C metadata

This module contains the support of Objective-C metadata embedded in Mach-O crate::macho::Binary.

One can access this metadata using the crate::macho::Binary::objc_metadata function

fn inspect_objc(macho: &lief::macho::Binary) {
    let metadata: lief::objc::Metadata = macho.objc_metadata().expect("Can't access metadata");
    for class in metadata.classes() {
        println!("{}", class.to_decl());



  • This class represents an Objective-C class (@interface)
  • This structure wraps options to tweak the generated output of functions like crate::objc::Metadata::to_decl_with_opt
  • This structure represents an instance variable (ivar)
  • This structure is the main interface to inspect Objective-C metadata
  • This structure represents an Objective-C Method
  • This class represents a @property in Objective-C
  • This class represents an Objective-C @protocol