Module lief::macho::commands



  • Structure which represents the LC_ATOM_INFO command
  • Structure that represents the LC_BUILD_VERSION command
  • Structure that represents the LC_CODE_SIGNATURE command
  • Structure that represents the LC_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS command
  • Structure that represents the LC_DATA_IN_CODE command
  • Structure that represents the LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS command
  • Structure that represents a LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT command which is used by the Mach-O linker/loader to initialize an environment variable
  • Structure that represents the LC_DYLD_EXPORTS_TRIE command
  • Structure that represents the LC_DYLD_INFO and LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY commands
  • Structure which represents a library dependency
  • Structure that represents the Mach-O linker, also named loader. Most of the time, Dylinker::name should return /usr/lib/dyld
  • Structure that represents the LC_DYSYMTAB command.
  • Structure that represents the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO / LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 commands
  • Structure which represents the LC_FUNCTION_STARTS command
  • Structure which represents the LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT command
  • Structure that represent the LC_MAIN command. This kind of command can be used to determine the entrypoint of an executable.
  • Structure that represents the LC_RPATH command.
  • Class that represents the LC_ROUTINE/LC_ROUTINE64 commands. Accodring to the Mach-O loader.h documentation:
  • Class which represents a LC_SEGMENT/LC_SEGMENT_64 command
  • Structure that represents the LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command
  • Class that represents the MachO LC_SOURCE_VERSION This command is used to provide the version of the sources used to build the binary.
  • Class that represents the SubClient command. Accodring to the Mach-O loader.h documentation:
  • Class that represents the SubFramework command. Accodring to the Mach-O loader.h documentation:
  • Structure that represents the LC_SYMTAB command
  • Structure that represents the LC_THREAD / LC_UNIXTHREAD commands and that can be used to get the binary entrypoint when the LC_MAIN is not present
  • Structure which represents the LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command
  • Structure that represents the LC_UUID command
  • Generic structure when the command is not recognized by LIEF (e.g private LC_xxx command)
  • Structure that wraps the LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX, LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS, ... commands.



Type Aliases