LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: lief.lcov Lines: 75.5 % 49 37
Test Date: 2024-11-30:00:00:00 Functions: 50.0 % 4 2

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use lief_ffi as ffi;
       2              : 
       3              : use super::elf;
       4              : use super::macho;
       5              : use super::pe;
       6              : use crate::common::FromFFI;
       7              : use std::io::{Read, Seek};
       8              : 
       9            0 : #[derive(Debug)]
      10              : /// Enum that wraps all the executable formats supported by LIEF
      11              : pub enum Binary {
      12              :     ELF(elf::Binary),
      13              :     PE(pe::Binary),
      14              :     MachO(macho::FatBinary),
      15              : }
      16              : 
      17              : impl Binary {
      18              :     /// Parse form a file path
      19              :     ///
      20              :     /// ```
      21              :     /// if let Some(Binary::ELF(elf)) = Binary::parse("/bin/ls") {
      22              :     ///     // ...
      23              :     /// }
      24              :     /// ```
      25          280 :     pub fn parse(path: &str) -> Option<Binary> {
      26          280 :         if ffi::ELF_Utils::is_elf(path) {
      27           80 :             if let Some(elf) = elf::Binary::parse(path) {
      28           80 :                 return Some(Binary::ELF(elf));
      29            0 :             }
      30            0 :             return None;
      31          200 :         }
      32          200 :         if ffi::PE_Utils::is_pe(path) {
      33           80 :             if let Some(pe) = pe::Binary::parse(path) {
      34           80 :                 return Some(Binary::PE(pe));
      35            0 :             }
      36            0 :             return None;
      37          120 :         }
      38          120 :         if ffi::MachO_Utils::is_macho(path) {
      39          120 :             if let Some(fat) = macho::FatBinary::parse(path) {
      40          120 :                 return Some(Binary::MachO(fat));
      41            0 :             }
      42            0 :             return None;
      43            0 :         }
      44            0 :         None
      45          280 :     }
      46              :     /// Parse from an input that implements `Read + Seek` traits
      47              :     ///
      48              :     /// ```
      49              :     /// let mut file = std::fs::File::open("C:/test.ext").expect("Can't open the file");
      50              :     /// if let Some(Binary::PE(pe)) = Binary::from(&mut file) {
      51              :     ///     // ...
      52              :     /// }
      53              :     /// ```
      54           27 :     pub fn from<R: Read + Seek>(reader: &mut R) -> Option<Binary> {
      55           27 :         let mut buffer = std::vec::Vec::new();
      56           27 :         if reader.read_to_end(&mut buffer).is_err() {
      57            0 :             return None;
      58           27 :         }
      59           27 : 
      60           27 :         let mut ffi_stream =
      61           27 :             unsafe { ffi::RustStream::from_rust(buffer.as_mut_ptr(), buffer.len()) };
      62           27 :         buffer.clear();
      63           27 : 
      64           27 :         if ffi_stream.is_elf() {
      65            8 :             return Some(Binary::ELF(elf::Binary::from_ffi(
      66            8 :                 ffi_stream.pin_mut().as_elf(),
      67            8 :             )));
      68           19 :         }
      69           19 :         if ffi_stream.is_macho() {
      70           11 :             return Some(Binary::MachO(macho::FatBinary::from_ffi(
      71           11 :                 ffi_stream.pin_mut().as_macho(),
      72           11 :             )));
      73            8 :         }
      74            8 :         if ffi_stream.is_pe() {
      75            8 :             return Some(Binary::PE(pe::Binary::from_ffi(
      76            8 :                 ffi_stream.pin_mut().as_pe(),
      77            8 :             )));
      78            0 :         }
      79            0 :         None
      80           27 :     }
      81              : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-1